thanks it was the Security.allowDomain issue

*ActionScript 2.0 Language Reference*
allowDomain (security.allowDomain method)       allowDomain (security.
allowDomain method)

public static allowDomain(domain1:String) : Void

Lets SWF files and HTML files in the identified domains access objects and
variables in the SWF file that contains the allowDomain() call.

If two SWF files are served from the same domain -- for example, and -- then
movieA.swf can examine and modify variables, objects, properties, methods,
and so on in movieB.swf, and movieB.swf can do the same for movieA.swf. This
is called *cross-movie scripting* or simply *cross-scripting*.

If two SWF files are served from different domains -- for example, and -- then, by
default, Flash Player does not allow movieA.swf to script movieB.swf, nor
movieB.swf to script movieA.swf. A SWF file gives SWF files from other
domains permission to script it by calling
This is called *cross-domain scripting*. By calling
allowDomain(""), movieB.swf gives movieA.swf permission to script

In any cross-domain situation, two parties are involved, and it's important
to be clear about which side is which. For the purposes of this discussion,
the side performing the cross-scripting is called the *accessing
party*(usually the accessing SWF), and the other side is called
*the party being accessed* (usually the SWF being accessed). To continue the
example, when movieA.swf scripts movieB.swf, movieA.swf is the accessing
party, and movieB.swf is the party being accessed.

Cross-domain permissions that are established with
allowDomain() are asymmetrical. In the previous example, movieA.swf can
script movieB.swf, but movieB.swf cannot script movieA.swf, because
movieA.swf has not called to give permission to script movieA.swf. You can set up symmetrical
permissions by having both SWF files call

In addition to protecting SWF files from cross-domain scripting originated
by other SWF files, Flash Player protects SWF files from cross-domain
scripting originated by HTML files. HTML-to-SWF scripting can be performed
with older Flash browser functions such as SetVariable or callbacks
established by using ExternalInterface.addCallback(). When HTML-to-SWF
scripting crosses domain boundaries, the SWF file being accessed must call, just as when the accessing party is a SWF
file, or the operation will fail.

Specifying an IP address as a parameter to not permit access by all parties
that originate at the specified IP
address. Instead, it permits access only by parties that were loaded by
explicitly specifying that IP address in their URLs, rather than by a domain
name that maps to that IP address.

*Version-specific differences* Flash Player's cross-domain security rules
have evolved from version to version. The following table summarizes the

Latest SWF version involved in the cross-scripting operation.

allowDomain() needed?

allowInsecureDomain() needed?

Which SWF must call allowDomain() or allowInsecureDomain()?

What can be specified in allowDomain() or allowInsecureDomain()?

5 or earlier





Yes, if superdomains don't match

The SWF file being accessed, or any SWF file with the same superdomain as
the SWF file being accessed

  - Text-based domain (
  - IP address (


Yes, if domains don't match exactly

Yes, if performing HTTP-to-HTTPS access (even if domains match exactly)

The SWF file being accessed, or any SWF file with exactly the same domain as
the SWF file being accessed

8 or later

SWF being accessed

  - Text-based domain (
  - IP address (
  - Wildcard (*)

The versions that control the behavior of Flash Player are *SWF
versions*(the published version of a SWF file), not the version of
Flash Player
itself. For example, when Flash Player 8 is playing a SWF file published for
version 7, it applies behavior that is consistent with version 7. This
practice ensures that player upgrades do not change the behavior of in deployed SWF files.

The version column in the previous table shows the latest SWF version
involved in a cross-scripting operation. Flash Player determines its
behavior according to either the accessing SWF file's version or the version
of the SWF file that is being accessed, whichever is later.

The following paragraphs provide more detail about Flash Player security
changes involving

*Version 5*. No cross-domain scripting restrictions.

*Version 6*. Cross-domain scripting security is introduced. By default,
Flash Player forbids cross-domain scripting; permit it. To determine whether two
files are in the same domain, Flash
Player uses each file's superdomain, which is the exact host name from the
file's URL, minus the first segment, down to a minimum of two segments. For
example, the superdomain of is This example would
permit SWF files from and to script each
other without calling

*Version 7*. Superdomain matching is changed to exact domain matching. Two
files are permitted to script each other only if the host names in their
URLs are identical; otherwise, a call to is
required. By default, files loaded from non-HTTPS URLs are no longer
permitted to script files loaded from HTTPS URLs, even if the files are
loaded from the exactly the same domain. This restriction helps protect
HTTPS files, because a non-HTTPS file is vulnerable to modification during
download, and a maliciously modified non-HTTPS file could corrupt an HTTPS
file, which is otherwise immune to such tampering. is introduced to allow HTTPS SWF files
that are being accessed to voluntarily disable this restriction, but
Macromedia recommends against using

*Version 8*. Two major areas of change:

  - Calling now permits cross-scripting
  operations only if the SWF file being accessed is the SWF file that called In other words, a SWF file that calls now permits access only to itself. In
  previous versions, calling permitted
  cross-scripting operations where the SWF file being accessed could be any
  SWF file in the same domain as the SWF file that called Calling opened up the entire domain of
the calling SWF file.
  - Support has been added for wildcard values with
  allowDomain("*") and"*"). The
  wildcard (*) value permits cross-scripting operations where the accessing
  file is any file at all, loaded from anywhere. Think of the wildcard as a
  global permission. Wildcard permissions can be useful in general, and in
  particular they are required to enable certain kinds of operations under the
  new local file security rules in Flash Player 8. Specifically, for a local
  SWF file with network-access permissions to script a SWF file on the
  Internet, the Internet SWF file being accessed must call"*"), reflecting that the origin of a
  local SWF file is unknown. (If the Internet SWF file being accessed is
  loaded from an HTTPS URL, the Internet SWF file must instead call"*").)

Occasionally, you may encounter the following situation: You load a child
SWF file from a different domain and want to allow the child SWF file to
script the parent SWF file, but you don't know the final domain from which
the child SWF file will come. This can happen, for example, when you use
load-balancing redirects or third-party servers.

In this situation, you can use the MovieClip._url property as a parameter to
this method. For example, if you load a SWF file into the movie clip my_mc,
you can call If you do this, be
sure to wait until the SWF file in my_mc begins loading, because the
_urlproperty does not have its final, correct value until this time.
The best
way to determine when a child SWF file has begun loading is to use

The opposite situation can also occur; that is, you might create a child SWF
file that wants to allow its parent to script it, but doesn't know what the
domain of its parent will be. In this situation, call
allowDomain(_parent._url) from the child SWF. You don't have to wait for the
parent SWF file to load; the parent will already be loaded by the time the
child loads.

If you are publishing for Flash Player 8, you can also handle these
situations by calling"*"). However, this can
sometimes be a dangerous shortcut, because it allows the calling SWF file to
be accessed by any other SWF file from any domain. It is usually safer to
use the _url property.

For more information, see the following:

  - Chapter 17, "Understanding Security," in *Learning ActionScript 2.0in Flash
  - The Flash Player 8 Security white paper at
  - The Flash Player 8 Security-Related API white paper at

*Availability: *ActionScript 1.0; Flash Player 6 - Behavior changed in Flash
Player 7; behavior changed in Flash Player 8.

*domain1*:String - One or more strings that specify domains that can access
objects and variables in the SWF file that contains the System.Security.
allowDomain() call. The domains can be formatted in the following ways:

  - ""
  - "";
  - "http://IPaddress";
  - (Flash Player 8 only) "*"
  You can pass a wildcard ("*") to to
  allow all domains, including local hosts, access to the calling SWF file.
  Before using the wildcard, be sure that you want to provide such broad
  access to the calling SWF file. See the discussion in the main description
  of this method.


The SWF file located at contains the following
loadMovie("";, my_mc);

Because MovieA contains the allowDomain() call, MovieB can access the
objects and variables in MovieA. If MovieA didn't contain this call, the
Flash Player security implementation would prevent MovieB from accessing
MovieA's objects and variables.

On 4/24/07, Michael Boski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Both apps are using delagate and eventdispature.

problem I am having:

the shell

sets up this

function onLoadInit (mc : MovieClip)
 trace ("MOB onLoadInit: " + mc);
 passAlongParameters ();
 this.getPlayer = function ()
  return placeHolder_mc.embeddedPlayer.getPlayer ();
 placeHolder_mc.embeddedPlayer.onInitError = Delegate.create (this,
 placeHolder_mc.embeddedPlayer.onInitComplete = Delegate.create(this,
 placeHolder_mc.embeddedPlayer.getEmbedOverrides = Delegate.create (this,

function onInitComplete ()
 trace ("MOB:onInitComplete: clipID=" + clipID);
and the swf being loaded in loads and I can see it traces out: onReady. We
killed it, people. config.autoStart

so i can tell this is fireing
function onReady()
 trace("onReady. We killed it, people. config.autoStart: " +
 inited = true;

however it doesn't work.

if I load an swf right next to the shell it does work??

Thanks in advance,


On 4/23/07, Michael Ypes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have had exactly the same problem as I have been doing a lot of cross
> domain policy stuff for sony recently so I know most of the pitfalls.
> It depends on the how you want to use your classes and where you have
> created the instance of the class. My example was using singletons.
> Can you explain a bit further how you are using your classes and how the
> two
> different swf's are using them and i shall try to help???
> Cheers
> Michael Ypes
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