you must force those movieclips to load before you use have access to them.
what i usually do is to set the export frame for classes to 2, and then go
through the library and uncheck 'export in first frame' for all exported
Mc's. then, on frame 2, make a single key frame and place an instance of all
exported mc's on the stage, but out of view. in frame 1, i'll have a stop
action and preloader code, and when all is loaded, gotoAndPlay frame 3.

On 6/16/07, Alexander Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear flash coders,

I've created a class representing playing
cards and it works quite well for me:

To reduce the file size (from 300K to 120K),
I don't keep images of complete 32 cards in
the library, but instead I hold the 4 suit images
(spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds) and
4 x 3 pictures (jack, queen and king) there
and then create a card image "on the fly":

        public function set index(n:Number):Void {
                __index = n;

                pic_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip('pic_mc', 10);

                var depth:Number = 10;
                var rank:Number = CARDS[n].rank;
                var suit:Number = CARDS[n].suit;
                var color:String = suit < DIAMONDS ? 'Black' : 'Red';

                var eye:String = (UNKNOWN == rank ||
                    (JACK <= rank && rank <= KING)) ?
                    CARDS[n].label : eye = SUITS[suit];
                for (var key:String in EYE_POS[rank]) {
                        var pos_obj:Object = EYE_POS[rank][key];
                            eye + depth + '_mc', depth++, pos_obj);
                // ...and so on: attach 2 card indices in the corners

Those suits and jack-queen-king images are all
MovieClips in the library, with the following settings:

    Identifier: Hearts
    Export for ActionScript [X]
    Export for runtime sharing [_]
    Export in first frame [X]

My problem is that when I'm trying to postpone loading
those MovieClips by unchecking the "Export in 1st frame"
and by setting File->Publish Settings...->Flash->
ActionScript 2.0->Settings...->Export Frame for Classes
to 2 or 10, then my movie stops working: the cards are
empty, no suits and no jack-queen-kings are shown.

Also my preloader TextField only show ups shortly :-(

Does it make any sense to convert the MovieClips
to Graphics in the library? The "Export in 1st frame"
check box is (sometimes???) greyed out then...

Thank you

PS: Here is the code from my Actions layer (to be
      found in )


var depth:Number = 10;

var load_txt:TextField = this.createTextField('load_txt',
        depth++, Stage.width / 2, Stage.height / 2, 300, 100);

onEnterFrame = function() {
        var loaded:Number = getBytesLoaded();
        var total:Number = getBytesTotal();

        load_txt.text = loaded + ' / ' + total;

        if (loaded >= total && loaded > 100) {
                delete onEnterFrame;

//////////////////// And in the frame "MAIN" ///////////


load_txt._visible = false;

for (var i:Number = 0; i < Card.CARDS.length; i++) {
        var card_mc:MovieClip = this.attachMovie('Card', 'card' + i +
'_mc', depth++);
        with (card_mc) {
                index = i;
                _x = card_mc._width / 2 +
                    Math.floor(Math.random() * (Stage.width -
                _y = card_mc._height / 2 +
                    Math.floor(Math.random() * (Stage.height -
                _rotation = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9 - 4);

                addEventListener('clicked', this);

function clicked(evt_obj:Object):Void {
        var card_mc:MovieClip =;

        // put the clicked card at the top
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