I might be wrong but like Bart said, I think SWFEncrypt does all this
already. At least I haven't had any problems with this andits fast too AND
usable from a build file. But I'm sure some of you will be able to crack it.

What I do have problems with is the attitude displayed towards Jimbo by some
of the responders for trying to come up with a nice and easy solution, even
it isn't foolproof. Putting a donkey sign over someones head is less than
motivating. He offered us a challenge, some of us took it and won. No need
to get all nasty about it imo.


On 7/18/07, Costello, Rob R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there any good way or method for obfuscation a Flash file so that
> swf works fine after obfuscation and also prevent any one to
> understand the code easily . Few common softwares for obfuscation are
> just not that good as swf stops working after using them . Of if not
> obfuscation is there any other method to prevent swf to be decompiled
> to fla . help will be really appreciate .
> Thx
> Max

My understanding is that encryption is unreliable - since the player has
to be able to decrypt it anyway, and the swf format is known - so any trick
that fools the decompiler is vulnerable to being corrected in the next
release of the decompiler

I've written a home grown obfuscator of sorts (for AS2). It's a bit slow
and clunky - and not AS3 compatible - but does what I need. (It can parse
AS2 source code for variable and functions names using VB, and then
obfuscate the byte code using FLASM.)

> Few common softwares for obfuscation are  just not that good as swf
stops working after using them .

depending on coding style, you need to avoid changing names of variables
that correspond to other constants (eg names of nodes in an XML file that
are matched in your code - won't match if you rename the coded version)

Also array syntax (AS2) that does things like ["prop" + x]  - don't want
to rename prop0, prop1 etc elsewhere

So you typically need some sort of exclusion list. I don't know that you
can ask the software to reliably work out which variables must be excluded
in some of these contexts.

(In some cases I could observe if functionality was impaired and look in
that region of code for array syntax etc.)

I had a look at ASO lite a while ago and at the time it took the approach
of not renaming any functions or classes - just simple variables, and it
also allows a custom exclusion list.

I was naïve enough to try my own (using Flasm and VB) that also did
function names etc.

The current ASO version now seems to rename functions and class names etc
(still allowing a custom exclusion list).

Its pretty fast - but I've had your issue - my code stops working and I
can't work out which additional variables to exclude. For example it seemed
to kill the V2 mx components - and it was finding thousands of variables
from those components.

It seemed to me that I only wanted to obfuscate my own code (eg I don't
mind if people decompile the mx components etc).

So I revisited the one I'd tinkered with. Its slow - uses VBA and Flasm.
(I tested it as compiled VB6 and almost identical speed. VBA allows me to
use Excel for data storage.

I now get it to parse my AS2 files first and locate all of the variables
and functions names I have introduced. (I don't get it to scan the mx source
files so it will leave them in swf).

I do have a list of excluded native functions - onRollOver etc.

Anyway, then VBA uses FLASM to search for those variables in the byte code
(flm file). (not all of them make it into the byte code)

Then, when there is a common list (my variables / functions / class names
that do appear in the swf - it does text a text / replace with an "illegal"
name - eg an integer  - which works at byte code level, but not if

This is all horribly slow (10 minutes - for say 75 classes - 400 k of AS2
files - 200 k of swf - 2 MB  flm file - on slowish machine)

Not sure it would qualify as a "good solution" for other contexts

But it does work well for my AS2 based development and I have full control
over obfuscation and I know it works.

I don't know what method ASO uses though I saw on the Flasm website that
one of ASO's people helped them optimise Flasm - so maybe a similar (more
optimised) approach. Was too aggressive for me though - couldn't get it to

Any interest in this?



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