I have somewhat of a headache when it comes to instances of MovieClips that haven't appeared on the timeline, and hence have not been instanciated yet...

I try to keep as much code as possible on one frame on the _root timeline, or preferably, in an external class file for a movie clip that contains all content (that I usually call main_mc and that resides on the _root level of the movie).

My problem comes down to that much of the code is dealing with defining code for different events for movie clips in my movie. But a lot of these movie clips have not yet appeared on the timeline when the movie start, and when the constructor for main_mc is run.

Please don't tell me to create the movie clips programatically. This is not possible, since my movies are heavy with graphics and animation, and I have to be able to place things on the stage.

I have solved this problem with some hacks: like putting one instance on the stage, but outside the visible area. Or turning the visibility off with code, and then on when it should be visible. But all this is cumbersome and makes me think it is easier to put some code inside movie clips, than going to lengths trying to make this work.

I am grateful for any help I can get regarding this!


/Johan Nyberg

Johan Nyberg

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