Dave, you should check your agreement with your previous client. Many boilerplate contracts include a clause addressing patents that you may be subject to.

- Allan

Allan Evans    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Multimedia Production and Programming
Back in Chicago. Really.
"No matter where you go, there you are." - BB

On Jan 2, 2008, at 3:25 PM, Dave Mennenoh wrote:

Question - as a software developer, are we free to create anything we want if we use our own, from scratch, code? For instance, we created a Flash based Virtual Makeover application a couple years back. We may make a new one for a new client but our old client has issue. Evidently they "invented" this makeover system, and even have a patent: http://tinyurl.com/2yxj8v But there are other examples of such systems. Maybe they're not identical, but the good ones work much the same. To me, it's utterly ridiculos that I could be stopped from writing any kind of software. I could make a Riven clone called Raven if I wanted, couldn't I? Anyone have any input?

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