It's also important to clarify something Zeh mentioned when he used the
phrases "container children" and "precomposition." (Zeh said it well, but
I've seen lots of folks not quite get this idea the first time they hear
about it, so this is just a bit of overkill.)

The Layer blend mode will not work if applied to a lone, childless movie
clip on the stage. Instead, it works on a movie clip within which the
children are overlapping.

For example, if your character is in the root timeline, it's not possible to
apply Layer to all the body parts and correct the problem. If the character
is in a movie clip (as it likely is/should probably be), you apply Layer to
the parent clip, not the body parts within.

The default tool behavior for applying the alpha is to go into the parent
and apply it to all the children. This yields the result you're seeing.
Layer was introduced with Flash 8 to prevent that. It precomposes everything
in the clip so the alpha is applied to one thing as a whole.


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