Hello List,

I am currently building an application that uses panels. The Panels implement a Composite Pattern. The panel holds instances of panelButtonSets class.
The panel displays certain sets based on a selected item in the client code.

Now my question is, how do I get around a lot of if statements in the panel like so:
if(clientcode.selecteditem.type == 1){
}else if(clientcode.selecteditem.type == 2){
        //different sets of button sets


One solution I am thinking about is the following, but I would like to get some feedback on this approach.

BasicButtonSet() {

        addSets(new panelButtonSets("position_panel"))
        addSets(new panelButtonSets("rotation_panel"))

ColorButtonSet() extends BasicButtonSet {

        addSets(new panelButtonSets("color_panel"))
        addSets(new panelButtonSets("brightness_panel"))

var basicSet:ButtonSet = new BasicButtonSet();
var colorSet:ButtonSet = new ColorButtonSet();

Then the selected item holds a reference to a certain set that can be loaded into the panel.

var set = selectItem.GetButtonSet();

Panel.loadSetObject(set )
for every set in the parameter set, call its render method and place it at the right position


The thing in this solution is that every set is allready instantiated and therefore is probably a quit expensive solution?

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