On Wednesday 07 May 2008 14:06:43 Steven Sacks wrote:
> The fact of the matter is, running at a higher frame rate makes things
> look smoother.  Period, end of statement.  If you take a time-based
> animation inside a 30fps movie and a 60 fps movie, the 60 fps version
> will look a lot smoother.  It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

It actually depends on the monitor or screen you're running your movie. In my 
case, my monitor's refresh rate is at 60Hz, so anything over 60fps will not 
make it any smoother.
If you're running at a TV with a refresh rate of 25Hz, then anything over 
25fps is useless.

Actually, a small testing program (glxgears) issues 2694fps in my machine, 
however if I enable "sync to vblank" in my video card - that is, making 
graphic applications refresh at the same rate as my monitor - the same 
program running at 60fps looks indeed smoother than at 2694fps (because you 
can't divide 2694 by 60 and get an integer, meaning that eventually the 
rendering engine will have to delay or advance a frame, so I don't get a 
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