Ashim D'Silva wrote:

> I'm using the Flash IDE CS3 to produce a project in AS3, and Flash is
> continually crashing erratically. Is there a way for me to figure out
> what's causing it? 

I've had similar problems, and it has always turned out to be an infinite
loop, memory management, a null value, or something of the like.

The first thing to do is figure out _where_ it is crashing, then figure out

Some people prefer to use trace() statements. Personally, if it's not a
time-critical issue, I use the debugger. Since I started using Flash (F4), I
have found that the issue is inevitably in my coding. I'm not initializing a
variable; I'm using a class wrong; or I just plain had faulty logic.

It's not always easy, but it is seldom Flash's fault, though I often wish I
could blame the tool. Track your problem down to a specific code segment. If
it's failing for a reason you don't understand, post that code, with a
description of the problem, and we'll be glad to help. I'm afraid that you
have only given a very vague complaint, so we can only give vague answers at
this point.

Don't give up, though. Flash is a great tool--not perfect, but pretty darn
good. It's biggest problem is that it does what you tell it to, not what you
want it to.


Kerry Thompson

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