hehe oops - .alpha = 0.2;

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 1:11 PM, eric e. dolecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think you want to listen for the event of the loader being loaded & then
> use .content for it.
> loader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, iAmLoaded_Drunk );
> function iAmLoaded_Drunk( e:Event ):void
> {
>      var lo:Loader = e.target as Loader;
>      lo.content.alpha = 20; // what you actually loaded
> }
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 12:55 PM, Lord, Susan, CTR, DSS <
>> Thanks Paul,
>> I rewrote the code, so its easier to read:
>> var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("hotword.swf");
>> var loader:Loader = new Loader()
>> function displayHotword(evt:Event):void {
>>         loader.load(request);
>>        addChild(loader);
>>        loader.x = 100;
>>        loader.y = 150
>> }
>> btClassified.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, displayHotword);
>> My question is, how do I control the instance that is now on the stage?
>> Say I wanted to create a function that would change the opacity of that
>> movie or something like that. How do I reference that item. In the old
>> flash, I would create a movie clip that would hold the swf and reference
>> that instance name. With this new method, I have no instance name to
>> reference.
>> Also, I can't seem to "talk" to the file.  If they click a button within
>> the file (the close button), I want the popup removed from the stage.
>> Right now, I am hiding (visibility = false) the clip and putting the
>> code to hide it within the loaded swf.  I am not communicating with the
>> clip from the parent file.
>> Any direction you could provide is very much appreciated!
>> Thank you!
>> Susan
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