I am sorry i forgot to mention i am using UILoader componenet for loading
that external SWF , if you guys have any other container in mind for this
purpose i would be happy to use that.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 11:01 AM, anuj sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All
> I am building a simple tween movie in which a line just goes from left to
> right and as soon as it reaches the end point I need to call external swf
> file and need to make the already running tween movie invisible. Everything
> is working fine except when i reach at the end of the movie and calling
> external swf file , it shows a little blink (for a fraction of second) to
> signify that something external has been loaded. I do not want my
> aaplication to show that it is loading some external files. Can i avoid that
> fraction of second of delay (blink showing unloading and loading movies).
> Here's my code which i used at the end of my first tween movie.
> import fl.containers.UILoader;
> mc_FirstLine.visible=false;
> var myUILoader:UILoader=new UILoader();
> myUILoader.height=23.6;
> myUILoader.move(-17,-1);
> myUILoader.source="SecondLine.swf";
> addChild(myUILoader);
> Please let me know if we can , any help and suggestions will be highly
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> Anuj
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