I suspect it depends how many pixels you're throwing around!

We create fairly straightforward educational 'games' for young kids,
and the Mac Mini (which is Intel these days, by the way) has been
perfectly adequate as a testbed for our software. What's more, if
you're actually authoring on the PC and testing on the Mac (which is
how we do it) you'll probably want to be testing on the slowest of the
Macs anyway, to ensure that your end-users don't have something that's
too slow.

The Mac Mini is a nice piece of compact kit. It has another big
advantage over many other macs if you're using it as a second machine
(e.g. for testing); you can plug in external keyboard, mouse and
monitor. Which means I've got my Mac Mini hooked up to the same
screen, mouse and keyboard as my PC (via a switcher). That way I can
do a build on the PC, switch to Mac for testing, switch to PC to fix
that annoying bug, repeat until fixed...

I heartily recommend it.


On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 1:01 PM, Paul Steven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Up until now I have never needed to develop anything for the Mac, however I
> have been asked to develop a series of games for Mac and PC so need to get a
> Mac to enable me to do so. The games will be delivered as downloadable
> executables.
> I would therefore appreciate any advice on what to get. I currently develop
> using Flash CS3. I would prefer to spend as little as possible and was
> therefore considering the Mac Mini but believe this may be a bit long in the
> tooth. I would prefer if it was intel too so I can have a dabble with the
> iPhone development software. I need to get this Mac within the next couple
> of weeks too so I can't wait too long. My budget is £1000 maximum but less
> would be better as I don't know if I will get any more jobs that require
> development on a Mac or not.
> Any advice much appreciated..
> Paul
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