- alpha is a number from 0 to 1
- you can also apply the Xscale/,Yscale/ and alpha directyly on the firstimage Loader


William Adams wrote:
I'm trying to create a new project in ActionScript 3 in Flash CS3. I have the code:

var firstImage:Loader = new Loader();
var empty_mc:MovieClip=new MovieClip();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest();

url = new URLRequest("test.jpg");
firstImage.x = 10;
firstImage.y = 10;
//empty_mc.x = 150;
//empty_mc.alpha = 50;


and it works until I uncomment the empty_mc stuff --- what I want to do is put firstImage into a movieclip so that I can control its yscale, alpha &c. for animation purposes, but I'm just not getting how one does this.

I've tried lots of variations:

empty_mc.addChild(new MovieClip(firstImage));

empty_mc.addChild(firstImage) as MovieClip;

and other variations I should probably be embarrassed to show --- how does one load an image (eventually from a server) into a movie clip?


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