Thanks Ian! Helps clarify a lot!

2008/12/23 Ian Thomas <>:
> Caveat: I believe there has been some progress recently on the use of
> Flex components created as .swcs for use within Flash CS4. You'll
> probably need to look on Adobe Labs for more info on that.
> Other than that, to the best of my knowledge the answers are:
>> 1. Can Flex libraries (mx.*) be used in Flash CS3/4? Is this as simple
>> as adding source files and/or SWCs to an FLA project's classpath? And,
>> where are all these libraries (Windows XP or Vista)?
> No. This is partly because the compiler included with CS3/4 is
> different from the compiler used for Flex. The Flex SDK compiler (also
> used by Flex builder) supports [Embed] tags, supports [Bindable],
> supports compilation of CSS, resource bundles and MXML. The Flash IDE
> compiler doesn't.
>> 2. If yes, any important caveats?
> See 1. :-)
>> 3. Am I correct that all the Flash libraries (that is, all those
>> included in Flash CS3) are available by default (at least in compiled
>> form) within Flex Builder (the Flex SDK)?
> No. All the flash.x.xx libraries are available (they are player native
> libraries) but none of the fl.x.xx libraries are.
>> [Embed]ding SWFs and SWF Symbols into ActionScript class files is one
>> way to cause Flash's main display classes of MovieClip and Button to
>> extend UIComponent. Are there other ways? Ideally we would get art
>> from the artists and have the runtime accessible objects be managed as
>> Class instances within the Flex hierarchy, to take advantage of things
>> like the automation framework. How are others doing this, if they are?
> We use [Embed] within classes or MXML. We also use resource bundles
> (.properties files) and CSS, both of which can embed symbols from
> source .swf files  (and from images, mp3s, fonts etc.). Our artists
> produce those .swfs, we embed the symbols appropriately.
>> Is there some way to use [Bindable] on properties within Flash CS3? I
>> have a component that pulls in a class that uses this metadata tag and
>> it compiles in Flash CS3, but there doesn't appear to be any way to
>> bind the Bindable property, since there's no MXML and BindingUtils is
>> in a Flex library not included with Flash.
> Not as far as I am aware.
>> Anyone know of simple docs on *creating* custom components, as opposed
>> to skinning or modifying existing ones? I'm not afraid of coding
>> around a potentially complex framework, but I'd like to understand how
>> it's supposed to be done.
> There is a reference for creating custom Flex components here:
> Hope that helps,
>   Ian
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