I quickly made a standalone example which shows that the preferred way does not work (text can be copied):

package prototypes {

        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import fl.controls.TextArea;

        public class TestTextArea extends Sprite {
                public var details_ta:TextArea;

                public function TestTextArea() {

                private function showSample() {
var msg:String = "<b>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,</b> consectetuer adipiscing elit.";
                        details_ta.htmlText = msg;


I put above code in an actionscript file (TestTextArea.as) which is the Document file of a Flash FLA-file. On the stage is a TextArea component instance from the Component panel, and the instance has the name details_ta. No additional formatting of changes to attributes of component is done.

Test movie, and copy the text from the textarea :(

Sorry for the extended code of previous mail. It was easier to come up with above sample than I thought.


Citeren pe...@pepo.nl:

Joel, Ian,

I agree with you, because I thought I was doing it "by the book" (=AS3

Thanks, you are willing to look at the code. Code is included however
it is extracted from the source files and not a working standalone
example. [...]

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