The timeout is a good idea, I realized I stopped doing that somewhere along
the way, but especially macs as well had a knack for crashing if the calling
object was destroyed in the process of the call.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Jer Brand <> wrote:

> Here's a simple example. Note that if you don't "own" the window your flash
> is running in -- you opened it with --  this code will
> again prompt the user if they really want to close the window in IE, or do
> nothing (Firefox, chrome, etc).
> There are ways around that, but I can't bring myself help others be evil.
> ;-)
> Anyway:
> --------------------------------------------------
> in the flash:
> import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
> function onUserConfirmedTheyWantToExit():void
> {
>"closeWindowAsync", "") ;
> }
> in the HTML page
> <script type="javascript">
> function closeWindowAsync()
> {
> setTimeout("closeWindowCallback()", 500) ;
> }
> function closeWindowCallback()
> {
> window.close() ;
> }
> </script>
> ------------------------------------
> The use of setTimeout in the javascript is there because of some problems
> we
> had calling "window.close" directly in IE6 (very weird IE-locking bugs if
> there were other browser windows open).
> Jer
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 8:38 AM, <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > How to Exit/Close the Web Browser from Flash  Applications?
> > Could anyone suggest a code to exit the flash application and  close the
> > web browser window?
> > I realize, the solution might be using ExternalInterface with  JS.  The
> > question is how?
> > The user can exit the flash application by clicking on an exit  button or
> > he/she can click on the Window “X”.
> > When clicking either on the “exit” button or on the Window “X”,  the
> > flash application will show an alert message, asking the user whether
> > he/she
> > really want to exit.  Upon clicking  “yes” the application and web
> browser
> > will close.
> > Therefore, when the user clicks on the Window “X” the flash  application
> > needs to detect this click.
> > Thanks,
> > Daniel Abramovich
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