And I'd love to see all your shorthands,  unesthaetic as hell  !
Get your darkest bitwises out.

Don't forget to add in the disclaimer:

This shorthand and the accompanying code are provided as-is. You may use it as you please. You may *not* hold me liable for any damage caused to you, your company, your neighbors or anyone else, nor for the non-maintainability of the written code as a result of implementing parts from this post. Whatever you do with this post, the provided shorthand or the accompanying code is at your own risk.

Merrill, Jason wrote:
For the record, I love these "get your nerd on, see if you can out-nerd
others" discussions related to Actionscript. Bring it!

Jason Merrill Bank of America Global Learning Shared Services Solutions Development
Monthly meetings on the Adobe Flash platform for rich media experiences
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