I'm having major issues with the Socket class in AIR right now.  All the
searches I have made result in people who have asked "Why is this happening?"
and NOBODY has answered any of their questions.

Socket progress events stop firing if "too much" data is coming across the socket, and apparently, what counts as too much data is very very small.

I'm trying to send 14,522 bytes across the socket to Flash and Flash simply stops accepting data after 2 packets and occasionally reports 2-3 more progress events of the same size. Like this:

986 / 14522
4380 / 14522
4380 / 14522
4380 / 14522
4380 / 14522

I'm stripping data off the Socket as it comes in and putting it into a ByteArray buffer, so the data isn't just sitting on the Socket.

protected function onData(event:ProgressEvent):void
    socket.readBytes(bufferIn, 0, socket.bytesAvailable);
    trace(bufferIn.bytesAvailable + " / " + header.length);

Wireshark clearly shows all the data is arriving on the socket, but Flash stops reporting all progress after a few packets.

If I drop the bytes per response down to 892, it works fine. The next step up is 1037 and that breaks. So, it's looking like 1024 is the maximum size you can send to the Flash Socket before it breaks.

I'm at my wits end with this. There's nothing but people complaining about this online and absolutely zero answers or solutions.

Oliver? Anyone from Adobe? Can somebody please shed some light on this issue that has basically halted our development?

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