Hey Glen,

I've used that very approach in the past, but we had some issues with firewalls using the allowed ports for the xml socket object. Using NetConnection and a SharedObject object with Red5 allows us to use http-tunneling as a fall-back.

Hmm. Maybe I could get php running on the same server to send updates to the Red5 server....

Glen Pike wrote:
If you are allowed to run PHP scripts which stay running, you can use a PHP socket server that handles the communications...

If you google "PHP socket server" there are loads of examples around. Once you have the PHP script running, you can run your PHP commands and talk to MySQL db's. You just have to watch out for some environment variable differences - webserver vs command line sometimes have different ini settings, paths, etc.


Andrew Sinning wrote:
Thanks Henrik. I've been using Red5 do to simple multi-user data relay for about a month. Now I just need to figure out how to get it to talk to php/MySQL....

Henrik Andersson wrote:

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