Please explain. Do you mean to create empty holder manually? How to
add stuff to it?
My first try was to add mc from the library with linkage class name.
This is simple navigation bar with back next arrows. So in the library
I have mc "nav". "Nav" has two mcs (arrows). Each mc has two frames
inside. Everything would be fine if I just add this in the beginning.
But I add it after event. And after that everything becames crazy.
This two-frame mc stops on frame 2. Here is fla
I could not solve this problem and decided that only what I can to add
it on the stage. So solution was found with guru help.  But I would
want to understand why all this crazy things happened. It is really
hard when simple things from AS2 are completly difficult in AS3.

2010/5/5 Henrik Andersson <>:
> natalia Vikhtinskaya wrote:
>> Hi
>> Is it possible to have mc1 manually placed on stage be over mc2
>> created dynamically
>> mc2=new MovieClip();
>> addChild(mc2)
> My recommendation: create a holder mc on the timeline and add stuff to the
> holder instead. The holder can be given a proper layer in the IDE and the
> code will be simple.
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