that being said, I just looked at it from a different computer and it
was using <video> so I'll just go ahead and put the mud on my own face
;) . Apparently on the previous computer it rolled back to Quicktime
for some reason.


On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Matt S. <> wrote:
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Kerry Thompson <> 
> wrote:
>> I don't see anything ironic about using QuickTime. It's one of Apple's
>> big success stories.
>> I can kind of see them pushing HTML5 over Flash, for business reasons.
>> But why would they want to use HTML5 over their own product?
> Of course you're right, *IF* you acknowledge that Steve Jobs' recent
> decisions have primarily been based on cold hard business
> calculations, which most of us do. But that's not the argument *he*,
> or other anti-Flashers are making. You hear all the time that the
> problem with Flash is that, as a plug-in, it exists outside the stack,
> in its own isolated box, whereas HTML5 is standards compliant and
> completely open and exists as part of the natural code flow. That is
> certainly true to a large extent, but the exact same thing can be said
> of Quicktime.
> Secondly, Jobs has made a very specific distinction between the iPhone
> vs the browser. While acknowledging that the iPhone is obviously a
> closed garden, he has said that when it comes to the *browser*, Apple
> is all about open, non-proprietary, standards compliant, HTML5, etc
> etc. And clearly, Quicktime is just as closed and proprietary as
> Flash, if not more so.
> Thirdly, I dont need to tell anyone here just how central the <video>
> tag has been in the whole debate. How often do you hear people saying
> that with the <video> tag, Flash is dead, completely ignoring
> everything else Flash does? If ever there was a proof of concept where
> Jobs & Co. should be putting their money where their mouth is, video
> is it. Especially since this video isnt DRM or in need of any other of
> the more advanced features that HTML5 can't handle yet.
> .m
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