You would do xml..product.(@prodCode == id);

Yep, that simple.


On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Matt S. <> wrote:

> I know this is easy, but I'm having trouble finding the answer: if I'm
> iterating through XML like so:
> return xml.category.(@name == cat[0]).subcategory.subcategory2.(@name
> == cat[1]).product.(@prodCode == String(id));
> where "cat" is an array, eg cat = ["men","shirts"]
> but what I want to do is search the ENTIRE XML for the first
> occurrence, in any category/subcategory, of a @prodCode that matches
> "id", how would I do that?
> eg,I want to do something like
> return xml.category.*.subcategory.subcategory2.*.product.(@prodCode ==
> String(id));
> but that's obviously not the actual code. Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks!
> .m
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