On 11/01/2011 17:51, Anthony Pace wrote:
Why are the implementations of Sin and Cos soooo slow?

Even a very basic MacLauren series can trump the Flash's current Math.cos or Math.sin, and that is when they wrapped in function calls.

Although the rendering performance is poor in the browser, if you try comparing the ff3.5 or chrome's ability to process the the Math.sin and Math.cos calls, you will see vast differences. What gives with the dudes at Adobe? Why was this problem not a concern, nor improved upon years ago?

I hear things will be different in 10.2; however, I haven't played with it yet, and I would not be able to comment.
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If this is critical to you you may just wish to cache computation, or incorporate a lookup table. I don't think this is a critical thing for the vast majority of developers.
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