I used a try catch block to handle my error...worked well.
So I don't use the 'ol Try - catch too often and forgot about using it for
my situation.

On 4/1/11 7:02 PM, "Creighton, Gerry" <gcreigh...@discmakers.com> wrote:

> So I¹m trying to place  a textField at the end of a title by getting the
> bounds of the last character in the title string BUT
> This is all dynamic and there is one title that has ³ é² as the last
> character. Flash doesn¹t like this.
> How can I get the following code to work in this instance? I¹m pulling what¹s
> left of my hair out.
> I tried escaping and unescaping but no go.
> <code>
> var charI:String = String(_albumTitle.charAt(_albumTitle.length-1));
> var charInt:int = _albumTitle.indexOf(charI);
> var frame:Rectangle = _albumTF.getCharBoundaries(charInt);
> //_releaseDateTF is the textField I¹m positioning at the end of the title
> which also may wrap to a second line
> //so I can¹t just get the width of the textField to place my _releaseDateTF
> _releaseDateTF.x = (frame.x+frame.width)+4;//get last character position
>  _releaseDateTF.y = frame.y+1;//get last character position
> </code>
> Thanks,
> -Gerry
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