I have a screen with a DataGrid that displays "live" data, that is,
data which is constantly changing.  It's not a very large amount of
data, so I just make a query to the server every 2 seconds to get the
new data.

When the new data comes in, the easiest thing to do would be to simply
set the dataProvider of the DataGrid to the new data, but this is
really crude.  For starters, if over-writes imports properties such as
how the array is sorted and which items are selected.

So, to correct for these problems, what I do is iterate through each
item in the dataProvider of the DataGrid, find the corresponding item
in the new data and copy its properties to the item in dataProvider,
remove any items from the dataProvider that are not in the new data,
and then add any items from the new data that aren't in the

Needless to say, this is terribly inefficient.

So, what should I be doing?  This has to be done in AS2 because it is
being incorporated in a legacy application.

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