While the below shows it is technically unfeasible to completely
unload a flex app, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try loading and
unloading. It just means if you can't limit the total number of times
that it is done, you have to be prepared for the flash player and/or
browser to crash / lock up.

It Is Impossible To Unload A Flex Application!

Also see:
These guys report some success by replacing the loaded swf:

This says unloadAndStop won't do all that's needed to reclaim the memory:

Here's some other references:

On 14 June 2011 08:22, Bassam M <sense...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ben
> pls give me the link let me go through  it may help, I also had problem with
> memory when i try to load movie into another  because I still didn't get the
> logic of AS3 for load and unload.
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 1:32 AM, Ben Sand <b...@bensand.com> wrote:
>> Looked into this a while ago. Bottom line was you can never guarantee
>> an unload, so repeated load/unload always have the potential for
>> memory leaks.
>> In the case of Flex apps it was never possible to completely clear
>> them from memory.
>> Our solution was to load other swfs in another window, though I
>> appreciate this won't suit everyone. It may be possibleto load them on
>> the same page with JavaScript communication between apps. If there is
>> a physical overlap between the display areas, eg using z-index of CSS
>> you may give up the option of 3d acceleration in flash 11 and there
>> may be issues with display on some operating systems/ browsers
>> On my phone now, but I can give links if you're interested
>> On Tuesday, 14 June 2011, Bassam M <sense...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > hi guys
>> > I'm try to move from AS2 to AS3 I did some work with AS3 it seems to be
>> easy
>> > anyway i have problem with load and unload swf, in AS2 I use to use
>> >
>> > loadMovie("movie.swf",level)
>> > then from the movie.swf" I can use back button to load the main movie
>> again
>> > or unload the movie if the level more the 0
>> > in AS3 I use code
>> > menu.movieBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,loadMovieSwf);
>> >
>> > function loadMovieSwf(event:Event)
>> > {
>> > var requestURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("movie.swf")
>> > var loader:Loader = new Loader()
>> > loader.load(requestURL)
>> > addChildAt(loader)
>> >
>> > }
>> >
>> > the problem I'm not able to unload movie from movie.swf I can unload
>> > movie.swf from the main movie by this code
>> >     loader.unloadAndStop();
>> >     removeChild(_loader);
>> >     loader= null;
>> > but if I place this code in movie.swf I get error
>> > it was easy to do it in AS2 just unloadMovie(level)
>> > I'm doing project with many swf files I have to load it from main page
>> and
>> > go back to main page I hope the problem is clear
>> >
>> > thank you
>> > Bassam
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