haxe has been around for a long time already. the community is growing and
not shrinking. open source as a model i would say is better in the long run
than proprietary (just look at what adobe have done to flash/flex).

haxe also isn't tied to one particular technology, so it stands a greater
chance of adapting to change. it compiles to readable JS code, PHP, AS3,
c++ code etc. so what you make with it is also maintanable without using

there are also more targets coming for haxe, java and c# will be coming
soon (was supposed to be for the end of the year, but may be a little

On 30 November 2011 17:43, Andrew Sinning <and...@learningware.com> wrote:

> Jumping into this discussion.
> Is anybody concerned that HaXe will die or languish, that features will be
> unsupported or broken on customer platforms?  I don't see any major players
> on the list of HaXe projects (http://haxe.org/com/projects).
> GWT on the other hand.  You get the full faith and credit of one of the
> most powerful companies in the world behind your development platform.  On
> the downside, you have to learn Java.
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