On Tue, 26 May 2020 at 16:03, Angel Pons <th3fan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, as I stated previously, flashrom built with meson results in the
> `-o` option not working at all. When helping others via IRC, we
> recommend fetching flashrom logs using that option so that no messages
> get lost, so not being able to rely on it is rather inconvenient.

Is there a bug open? Meson defines -DSTANDALONE in the top level,
perhaps incorrectly.

Something like

+++ meson.build
@@ -415,7 +415,6 @@ executable(
   c_args : [

Should fix this, although I can't remember the reason we used it in
the first place. There is no documentation of the expected defines, so
I might have got it wrong initially. If so, mea culpa.

I'm on PTO this week looking after kids, so I can't do a proper gerrit
review until next week. In the meantime, if someone else wants do that
for me I'd really appreciate the help.

> > > Meson is no less broken than our home-grown Makefiles.
> > Can you substantiate that?
> Please refer to the aforementioned bug about `-o` not being usable
> when building with meson. While the home-grown Makefiles may have
> bugs, they have survived the test of time

Have you tried to build flashrom on Debian or Fedora using the
built-in makefiles? They're fine for building the software locally on
x86, but not much more.

> If possible, I would consider turning meson into a wrapper around the
> Makefiles, to eliminate redundancy.

That's not how meson works at all. The meson build system won't "wrap"
any other build system. You'll also notice the size of the meson files
compared to the size of the Makefiles; meson is a chance to get rid of
a lot of compat cruft and build projects with a specific DSL. On the
converse, you can use make to build the project using meson although I
think a few people might have problems with a python dep for build.

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