Sorry, lost the ML in the reply...


On 22.01.23 21:35, Anastasia Klimchuk wrote:
> How to report a bug or successful testing: there are few options.
> First option is to post on the mailing list (feel free to reply on
> this thread, or create a new thread).

I found some time now to run the same tests that were used for
flashrom-stable 1.0. The good news: the external programmers that
I tested so far work.

Some of the build tests fail, though (list of manibuilder tags is
below). I assume much of it is because of a conflict with the default
C standard used by compilers: some assume older standards and don't
like C99 features if they are not enabled explicitly (however, setting
the standard has again implications for system header files). The
s390x failures might point to a build system issue, though. Speaking
of which, manibuilder still only tests make.


Failing tags (anita is a NetBSD test script, djgpp a DOS cross

centos:7.6-amd64-clean: 2
centos:7.2-amd64-clean: 2
centos:7.3-aarch64-clean: 2
centos:7.3-amd64-clean: 2
anita:7.1-amd64: 2
anita:7.1-i386: 2
anita:8.2-amd64: 2
anita:9.1-i386: 2
anita:9.1-amd64: 2
anita:8.2-i386: 2
fedora:32-s390x: 2
fedora:31-s390x: 2
fedora:33-s390x: 2
fedora:34-s390x: 2
fedora:29-s390x: 2
anita:9.1-sparc64: 2
djgpp:6.1.0: 2

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