Hi Anastasia,

thank you for your response.
Since there are a few issues orthogonal to each other, I'll split my
response into multiple mails to avoid polluting different sub-threads.

Am 23.07.23 um 03:05 schrieb Anastasia Klimchuk:
About Code of Conduct: this is established and standard terminology,
and a project needs one. However the content is in our hands, and this
is exactly why there is a patch now under review. People are already
reviewing, adding comments, and you are very welcome to add your
comments as well.

A question of process: Why is the Code of Conduct discussion happening
in a code review tool (gerrit)?

Number of participants in various communication channels of flashrom as
of now or as of last occurence (some duplicates may be present):
Mailing list: 389 subscribers
IRC: 89 users
Gerrit Code of Conduct patch: 1 author, 6 reviewers (not all of them
active in the discussion), 2 people in CC
Dev meeting: 3 people

Even if we assume that IRC users are only a subset of mailing list
participants and thus don't need to be counted, the discussion in the
Code of Conduct patch in Gerrit reaches only ~3% of the flashrom community.

That is a huge problem and should be addressed first. Otherwise this
gives a similar impression to referring mankind to the demolition plans
on display somewhere in Alpha Centauri (context: Hitchhiker's Guide to
the Galaxy).

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