Pete Heist <> writes:

> An update:
> - JSON is working, sample attached in case there are comments /
> wishes.

Lots of data; don't think I'll parse all of it in Flent. My thought
would be to save:

For each data point: RTT, OWD (in both directions), IPDV.
For the whole test:
- Min/max/mean/median RTT values.
- Packet size and/or bit rate
- Most of the params object, probably

A few comments about the data format:

- I'm guessing all values are nanoseconds? Are the absolute times in

- The data points are missing sequence numbers; makes it hard to infer
  loss, and to relate IPDV to RTT values.
- Why are the IPDV values in a separate array?

- Some of the 'params' are not terribly useful:
  - What are the local and remote addresses of? Is this where the server
    listens? I'm guessing the client doesn't connect to at
    least... Would be better to know the values that were actually used.

  - Similarly, it would be more useful to know whether packets were actually 
    as IPv4 or IPv6, rather than what was selected.

- Which fields are guaranteed to be present and which can be blank?

- What is the send and receive rates? Are they always the same? And in
  which direction? Do they include packet loss?

- I sort of get why there are so many time stamps in the beginning, but
  I think 'first_send_time/first_sent_time' is bound to be confusing at
  some point; is it really necessary to include both? I'm assuming those
  are timestamps on each side of the send() call?

> - Median (where possible) and stddev are working.


> - pflag adds 160K to executable, passing for now.

Yeah, the binary size of Go apps is a PITA. Is this stripped size? Flent
can obviously work with both styles of flags, I just personally thing
the Go defaults are annoying; just be aware that once you release,
changing is going to break backwards compatibility.


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