
This is not a request for help, or a complaint.  I have been
using flexbackup for almost two years now (liking it very much!)
and thought I would post a note describing how I use it, in the
hopes that it might be useful.

I have five Linux systems and three MSWindows2000 systems which
I backup using flexbackup.

Each of the five Linux systems has two hard disks: one is the
system/home disk (20Gb), the other is the backup image disk (40Gb).
Cron runs a perl script once per day which in turn runs flexbackup.
The perl script determines the level of backup (0-9) for the given
day of the month.  Flexbackup generates a compressed .afio file
in an 'images' directory on the backup disk.  So far the amount
of backup data has been such that I have almost two years worth
of backup images on these systems, with still room on the backup
disks to spare.  On only one system have I needed to go through
and start purging the oldest images to free up disk space.  (But,
I just today installed a 180Gb backup drive in that system,
replacing the older 40Gb one.)

I have a sixth Linux system which I use as a backup-backup system.
It has 500Gb of disk space.  Each night cron runs a perl script
which copies over the days backup images from each of the five
other Linux systems.  So then I have two copies of each days
backup images, on two separate systems in two different buildings.

The three MSWindows systems have their C: drives mounted onto the
backup-backup systems filesystem.  These drives then are backed up
each night along with the backup-backup system.

So far this system has worked very well.  I don't have to futz with
tapes (which I don't have much faith in).  All of the backup data
is 'on-line' for each system.  The only weak point at
the moment is that there is only one copy of the backup images for
the backup-backup system and the three MSWindows systems.  (I may
set up one of the five systems as a backup for the backup-backup.)
I have been able to restore files several times since I started
this system.  I have not yet had to do a full-restore (thankfully).

Comments welcome.  Perl scripts and further details available upon



* Scott Coburn
* Brookhaven National Laboratory
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 631.344.7110
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