
thanks so much for your input into this little problem of mine.

I modified my script to be as  you suggested but I'm still having some 
problems with it.

Seems the exclusions are still being ignored, and worse, an error is now being 
generated from the run.

I defined a set call "full" (wouldn't let me make it called "full") and set 
the prune up as per your listing.

This is the outcome:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# flexbackup -set full

flexbackup version 1.2.1 (
/etc/flexbackup.conf syntax OK

| Checking /bin/sh on this machine... bash2
| Doing level 0 backup of set full using tar
| Retensioning tape...
| Rewinding & erasing tape...
| Creating index key 200610181137
| Backup set "full" (/ /mnt/cxaa /mnt/xacom4 /mnt/xacomfs1)
| Tape #0
At block 0.
| File number 1, tape index 200610181137
| Backup of: /
| Date of this level 0 backup: Wed Oct 18 11:37:38 2006
| Date of last level 0 backup: the epoch
| cd "/" && find . -regex "\./\(tmp proc var bin sbin lib dev usr \
|   'lost+found' /mnt/cxaa/mnt /mnt/cxaa/tmp /mnt/cxaa/proc \
|   /mnt/cxaa/tapedir /mnt/cxaa/var /mnt/cxaa/bin /mnt/cxaa/sbin \
|   /mnt/cxaa/xemacs /mnt/cxaa/lib /mnt/cxaa/dev /mnt/cxaa/cdrom \
|   /mnt/cxaa/usr/tmp /mnt/cxaa/usr/lib /mnt/cxaa/usr/bin \
|   /mnt/cxaa/usr/sbin /mnt/cxaa/usr/spol /mnt/cxaa/usr/test /mnt/cxaa/usr/ \
|   /mnt/cxaa/usr/local /mnt/cxaa/usr/diag /mnt/cxaa/usr/hung \
|   /mnt/xacom4/mnt /mnt/xacom4/tmp /mnt/xacom4/proc /mnt/xacom4/var \
|   /mnt/xacom4/bin /mnt/xacom4/sbin /mnt/xacom4/lib /mnt/xacom4/dev \
|   /mnt/xacom4/cdrom /mnt/xacom4/install /mnt/xacom4/ibin \
|   /mnt/xacom4/usr/tmp /mnt/xacom4/usr/bin /mnt/xacom4/usr/sbin \
|   /mnt/xacom4/usr/lib /mnt/xacom4/usr/local /mnt/xacom4/usr/man \
|   /mnt/xacom4/usr/fmc2 /mnt/xacom4/usr/lpd /mnt/xacom4/usr/lbin \
|   /mnt/xacomfs1/tmp /mnt/xacomfs1/registry /mnt/xacomfs1/backups \
|   '/mnt/xacomfs1/documents/1-to review then delete\)/.*" -prune -o ! \
|   -fstype proc ! -fstype devpts ! -fstype devfs ! -fstype tmpfs ! -type s \
|   ! -regex ".*/[Cc]ache/.*" ! -regex ".*~"$ ! -regex ".*/tmp/.*" ! -regex \
|   ".*/proc/.*" -print0 | tar --create --null --files-from=- \
|   --ignore-failed-read --same-permissions --no-recursion --totals --label \
|   "level 0 / Wed Oct 18 11:37:38 2006 tar+gzip from xacomfw1" --verbose \
|   --sparse -b 64 --file - | gzip -4 | dd ibs=32k obs=32k \
|   conv=noerror,sync of="/dev/st0"
level 0 / Wed Oct 18 11:37:38 2006 tar+gzip from xacomfw1
dd: opening `/dev/st0': Read-only file system
find: ./proc/4168: No such file or directory
find: ./proc/4168: No such file or directory
find: ./proc/4168: No such file or directory
find: ./proc/4168: No such file or directory
find: ./proc/4168: No such file or directory

ERROR: non-zero exit from:
cd "/" && find . -regex "\./\(tmp proc var bin sbin lib dev 
usr 'lost+found' /mnt/cxaa/mnt /mnt/cxaa/tmp /mnt/cxaa/proc /mnt/cxaa/tapedir 
/mnt/cxaa/var /mnt/cxaa/bin /mnt/cxaa/sbin /mnt/cxaa/xemacs /mnt/cxaa/lib 
/mnt/cxaa/dev /mnt/cxaa/cdrom /mnt/cxaa/usr/tmp /mnt/cxaa/usr/lib 
/mnt/cxaa/usr/bin /mnt/cxaa/usr/sbin /mnt/cxaa/usr/spol /mnt/cxaa/usr/test 
/mnt/cxaa/usr/ /mnt/cxaa/usr/local /mnt/cxaa/usr/diag /mnt/cxaa/usr/hung 
/mnt/xacom4/mnt /mnt/xacom4/tmp /mnt/xacom4/proc /mnt/xacom4/var 
/mnt/xacom4/bin /mnt/xacom4/sbin /mnt/xacom4/lib /mnt/xacom4/dev 
/mnt/xacom4/cdrom /mnt/xacom4/install /mnt/xacom4/ibin /mnt/xacom4/usr/tmp 
/mnt/xacom4/usr/bin /mnt/xacom4/usr/sbin /mnt/xacom4/usr/lib 
/mnt/xacom4/usr/local /mnt/xacom4/usr/man /mnt/xacom4/usr/fmc2 
/mnt/xacom4/usr/lpd /mnt/xacom4/usr/lbin /mnt/xacomfs1/tmp 
/mnt/xacomfs1/registry /mnt/xacomfs1/backups '/mnt/xacomfs1/documents/1-to 
review then delete\)/.*" -prune -o ! -fstype proc ! -fstype devpts ! -fstype 
devfs ! -fstype tmpfs ! -type 
s ! -regex ".*/[Cc]ache/.*" ! -regex ".*~"$ ! -regex ".*/tmp/.*" ! -regex 
".*/proc/.*" -print0 | 
tar --create --null --files-from=- --ignore-failed-read --same-permissions 
--no-recursion --totals --label "level 
0 / Wed Oct 18 11:37:38 2006 tar+gzip from xacomfw1" --verbose --sparse -b 
64 --file - | gzip -4 | dd ibs=32k obs=32k conv=noerror,sync of="/dev/st0"

ERROR: exiting
| Backup start: Wed Oct 18 11:37:38 2006
| Backup end:   Wed Oct 18 11:37:39 2006
At block 0.
| Rewinding...
| Compressing log (full.0.200610181137.gz)
| Linking full.latest.gz -> full.0.200610181137.gz

Any more ideas?



On Tuesday 17 October 2006 20:08, Niall Brosnan wrote:
> > Peter Nunn wrote:
> > I seem to be having some serious problems getting flexbackup to exclude
> > the directories I have in my prune list.
> >
> > I have as machine with several others mounted in /mnt and am trying to
> > backup the important data on them to tape.
> Hi Peter,
> could you confirm for me that this works OK for your root
> filesystem, but fails for the submounted systems?
> i.e. do you exclude /tmp but include /mnt/cxaa/tmp ?
> If you want a set with local and the others, you might
> be better off not spanning filesystems, and instead using
> $set{'all'} = "/ /mnt/cxaa /mnt/xacom4 /mnt/xacomfs1";
> I suspect it's not reading the prune lists for those
> directories that are not included in the "local" set.
> All my configs fully root excluded paths back to an element in the backup
> set list.
> Try this prune list instead with your current local set definition:
> $prune{'/'} = "tmp proc var bin sbin lib dev usr 'lost+found' /mnt/cxaa/mnt
> /mnt/cxaa/tmp /mnt/cxaa/proc /mnt/cxaa/tapedir /mnt/cxaa/var /mnt/cxaa/bin
> /mnt/cxaa/sbin /mnt/cxaa/xemacs /mnt/cxaa/lib /mnt/cxaa/dev /mnt/cxaa/cdrom
> /mnt/cxaa/usr/tmp /mnt/cxaa/usr/lib /mnt/cxaa/usr/bin /mnt/cxaa/usr/sbin
> /mnt/cxaa/usr/spol /mnt/cxaa/usr/test /mnt/cxaa/usr/ /mnt/cxaa/usr/local
> /mnt/cxaa/usr/diag /mnt/cxaa/usr/hung /mnt/xacom4/mnt /mnt/xacom4/tmp
> /mnt/xacom4/proc /mnt/xacom4/var /mnt/xacom4/bin /mnt/xacom4/sbin
> /mnt/xacom4/lib /mnt/xacom4/dev /mnt/xacom4/cdrom /mnt/xacom4/install
> /mnt/xacom4/ibin /mnt/xacom4/usr/tmp /mnt/xacom4/usr/bin
> /mnt/xacom4/usr/sbin /mnt/xacom4/usr/lib /mnt/xacom4/usr/local
> /mnt/xacom4/usr/man
> /mnt/xacom4/usr/fmc2 /mnt/xacom4/usr/lpd /mnt/xacom4/usr/lbin
> /mnt/xacomfs1/tmp /mnt/xacomfs1/registry /mnt/xacomfs1/backups
> '/mnt/xacomfs1/documents/1-to review then delete'";
> These expressions may also help:
> $exclude_expr[0] = '.*/proc/.*';
> $exclude_expr[1] = '.*/tmp/.*';
> Finally, what backup format are you using?
> If you're using dump, then some of these excludes won't work, but then
> you couldn't be using it for the non local mounts anyway.
> Hope that helps to some degree.
> I'll check in later today to see if you've had a chance to test it.
> I'm in Ireland, so we'll be a bit out of sync.
> All the best,
> Niall Brosnan
> CsC
> > I seem to be having some serious problems getting flexbackup to exclude
> > the directories I have in my prune list.
> >
> > I have as machine with several others mounted in /mnt and am trying to
> > backup the important data on them to tape.
> >
> > My setup looks like...
> >
> > $set{'local'} = "/";
> > $set{'cxaa'} = "/mnt/cxaa";
> > $set{'xacom4'} = "/mnt/xacom4";
> > $set{'xacomfs1'} = "/mnt/xacomfs1";
> >
> > where local basically gets everything and the others should let me chose
> > an individual machine if I want to go that way.
> >
> > The prunes are as follows...
> >
> > $prune{'/'} = "tmp proc var bin sbin lib dev usr 'lost+found'";
> > $prune{'/mnt/cxaa'} = "mnt tmp proc tapedir var bin sbin xemacs lib dev
> > cdrom";
> > $prune{'/mnt/cxaa/usr'} = "tmp lib bin sbin spol test  local diag hung";
> > $prune{'/mnt/xacom4'} = "mnt tmp proc var bin sbin lib dev cdrom install
> > ibin";
> > $prune{'/mnt/xacom4/usr'} = "tmp bin sbin lib local man fmc2 lpd lbin";
> > $prune{'/mnt/xacomfs1'} = "tmp registry backups";
> > $prune{'/mnt/xacomfs1/documents'} =  "'1-to review then delete'
> > Temp 'Temporary Transfer Location' Testing VET 'WInzip 8.0' 'Social
> > Events' Year2000 teemp Logs Projects_Backup";
> >
> > As I understand it, this should remove the directories mentioned here
> > from the
> > list.. however..
> >
> > when I do a flexbackup -set local
> >
> > I get
> >
> > ./var, ./lost+found, ./usr etc etc.. in the list of files being backed
> > up.
> >
> > What do I have wrong??
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Peter Nunn.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Use Computes?....                           ...Think IT!
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> >
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