I don't believe you can pass params. An alternative would be to have
your lineRenderer query upwards for the data. I do something similar
and added the following code in my updateDisplayList();

(I don't know how important the initial "LineSeries" check is)
override protected function updateDisplayList(wd:Number,ht:Number) {
var lc:LineChart;
if (parent is UIComponent) {
    var myParent:String = String(UIComponent(parent).className);
    if (myParent !="LineSeries")

var ls:LineSeries = parent as LineSeries;
lc = ls.owner as LineChart;
var salesInfo:Number = lc.getSalesInfo();  // talk to lineChart here


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "chigwell23" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First question is whether I can pass actual parameters to a callback
> in the first place? This is what I need to do:
> <mx:ColumnSeries id="salesSeries"
>   yField="sales">
> </mx:ColumnSeries>
> <mx:LineSeries id="percSeries"
>   yField="percent" 
>   lineSegmentRenderer="PercentLineRenderer("orig callback params",
> "new  callback params")">
> </mx:LineSeries
> Conventionally of course the lineSegmentRenderer gets no params as a
> callback. But in this instance I need to manipulate the position of
> the  "percent" line series lines through the renderer based on "sales"
> series data so that the lines are positioned exactly over the columns
> of the "sales" series". I have code in the renderer that positions the
> lines, but different underlying data for the column series (2 side by
> side cols for each data point), changes the width and horizontal
> position of the columns and then the "percent" line fragments above no
> longer line up.
> If I could get the "sales" series info to the "percent series
> "renderer" I think I stand a chance of coding "interacting series"
> A big thank you in advance,
> Mic.

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