So I have this function which calls another function and returns an
object of type class (which is actually a .swf). Then I return the
found object as Class to something else that called the geticon function. 

private function geticon(item:Object):Class
     var image:Class = Images.resource([EMAIL PROTECTED]);
     return image;

But what I need to do is once I get the image:Class (which is a swf) I
need to alter the size of the found object. Something like this.

private function geticon(item:Object):Class
    var image:Class = Images.resource([EMAIL PROTECTED]);
    image.width = 10;
    image.height = 10;
   return image;

The problem is image:Class doesn't have w or h properties. I tried
this DisplayObject(image).width =10; but I get a runtime error saying
can't convert swf to type DisplayObject.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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