Laurent, thank you!  That was it.  I switched to the Flash 
framework's BitmapAsset instead of the Flex framework's Image class, 
and it shows up just fine! Wow, so you can't use Image inside 
Sprite.  Never would have guessed that one!

So I learned that you have to be careful how you mix things from the 
Flash framework, but it doesn't make it any less annoying.  I really 
hope someday that the Flash framework and the Flex framework will 
just be one and the same, and we won't have as many bugs like this 
that took me (yikes 1.5 days) a long time to fix.  And also the Flash 
people might finally get some nice components, and get some back like 
Webservices.  This is one of those little rules about Flex that isn't 
exactly spelled out in the documentation (or at least that I could 

What made this especially complex, is this project uses a lot of Flex 
for the UI and data, but has a complex dynamic rendering of the data, 
drawn with actionscript (and therefore sprites and the like).  So 
there is a lot of mixing of the two frameworks.

Thanks everyone!  I learned a lot about the nature of containers, 
UIComponents, Sprites, and the two frameworks through all your posts, 
and it's working now!    

Jason Merrill
Bank of America 
Enterprise Technology & Global Risk L&LD
Instructional Technology & Media 

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