If its ColdFusion your connecting to it can be a random pain sometimes getting the url correct. I have developed a mini HelloWorld application to keep hitting your server till you get the right string which may be of some assistance for you:





On 3 Sep 2008, at 16:26, Sherif Abdou wrote:

Actually, That problem is a pain. Everytime it happens I write the solution down and forget about it. First thing you need to try is go to http://yoursite.com/flex2gateway If you don't get a blank page then something is wrong with your configuration. I am assuming you are using ColdFusion. Next Thing you need to do is go in the ColdFusion Administrator and do Mappings to where your Folder is. I'll try to find the solution on my computer.
Sherif Abdou
----- Original Message -----
From: nathanpdaniel
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 10:16 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Deploy Flex Application

I have no clue what you can do to actually fix the issue - but I can
suggest doing the following:
Put the debug version of the swf on your server. Then change your
debug options to run at - http://yoursite.com (the web page serving
your swf) - rather than C:\Documents\pathto.swf - or whatever the
default is. It will be able to get you directly to the source of your
issue. I developed with Flex for 2 years before I ever figured that
one out! :D (that one being I can debug remote swf files).

Hope this helps a little!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "beczimm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So it is my first time of trying to deploy my flex app from localhost
> to an actual server. I know the process is supposed to be fairly
> simple in that you need to copy the swf and any other related files,
> etc. However, I get an error when I try to access the application
> from the server.[RPC Fault faultString="Send failed"
> faultCode="Client.Error.MessageSend"
> faultDetail="Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed:
> HTTP: Failed:
> Now I have figured out that the problem is probably happening because
> it can not find the flex2gateway directory. The directory is there
> but the URL it is trying to use is incorrect, it seems to be missing
> the context root of the server, which has been specified. Does anyone
> have any ideas on how to fix this?

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