Yeah...but again, it's not much of a choice...the rows are grouped in "like" matches. For example, if 5 people have similar results, then the user groups them together in a common group and will want to be able to see these groups as a subset of the whole dataset.


whatabrain wrote:

One of your problems might be that you're using a grouping grid. I
tested an ADG with 5,000 rows, and the grouping version took a huge
amount of time to render, while the non-grouping version took just
four seconds.

--- In <>, Adrian Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> All,
> I am seeing some incredible lag while using a couple of simple
> panels and a complex ADG. While I love the flexibility and power
> Flex/AS and the ADG, I really need to overcome these performance
> problems or the project will sink.
> My ADG has approx. 100 columns with approx. 200 rows, in a
> collection that contains approx 30 groups.
> I suspect the lag I am seeing has to do with the redrawing of
> rows. Whenever I scroll or collapse/expand the nodes, it takes
> 1/2 to 1 second for the action to complete. And this isn't even a
> large dataset...we have some that have a few thousand rows. I
> used any item rendering (yet) that would slow the speed down,
though I
> have two columns that have style functions attached. All in all,
this is
> about as close to display the raw data as I can get.
> I have spent some time with the profiler and performance
monitor and
> it appears the the code is sound and without memory leaks. I have
> gone thru to refactor poorly designed code and remove unnecessary
> So my initial questions with this admittedly somewhat vague
problem are:
> 1.) Is there a way to turn off the animations and would doing
> help with the speed?
> 2.) Has anyone else faced this same dilemma and how did you
> overcome the problems?
> Thanks,
> Adrian

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