No, I do not.  Few, if any of my business clients do either.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of James Douma
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Do you use a Mac?


I've been using a MacBook Pro for some time now. I agree with Matt on
all counts. I got one cuz you can run Windows + OS/X on it which is
useful for testing. 

I have to say I still don't get why people rave about them. It's just a
computer. Its shiney and pretty and there are some features which are
sorta nice (backlit keyboard,etc)  but nothing earth-shattering.
Usability-wise I find it requires more from the user than Windows. It
seems to be a Apple pattern to hide things from the user (I guess to
reduce complexity of UI and hide dangerous functionality). 

I really feel like I'm missing something ... like there's some yet
undiscovered gems ... that have escaped my view. All my attempts to
seriously explore why its so great by asking other Mac users have
failed. It's almost as if the computer you use defines who you are as a
person ... so anything thats exposed as a short-coming in the Mac is
received as a personal attack. I don't know ... its very confusing to me
why anyone would care that much one way or another.

Generally speaking I find all Actionscript/Flex develop to be much less
problematic (and often runs faster) in my VMWare Windows installation
than natively on the Mac.

 Thats my 2 cents


On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Brendan Meutzner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:

I made the switch in February and will never look back.  Don't listen to
Matt ;-)







On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Matt Chotin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:

So a lot of us on the Flex team now have Macs. One reason is because we
have a lot of designers who use Macs anyway. Another is because we
obviously build software for Macs, and in running Macs we can actually
do tests on both Mac and Windows (via virtual machine). I was entirely a
PC guy before I got my Mac about 15 months ago. I don't mind the Mac,
but I wouldn't say it's more stable than my PC was, and the
inconsistency in how keyboard shortcuts work and whatnot drives me up
wall. My IDE is no longer Eclipse/Flex Builder but my email client and
Word and PowerPoint, and I gotta say I like the Windows versions better
than the Mac.

I think if you are a happy Windows user and don't have a compelling
reason to use a Mac you don't need to switch just because it appears
others are using it. Not saying the Mac is bad, just saying it hasn't
made me a convert.


On 10/23/08 12:06 PM, "Clint Tredway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<> > wrote:

I recently switched to a MAC and love it.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 2:04 PM, Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<> > wrote:

I use a mac, but I've been using Apple products since 1979....

OSX is Unix based, and a lot of devs like the Unix- ish features. My
experience with designing and developing on a mac is that it's more
straight forward to use. If you love to inker with your OS and hardware,
go Microsoft, for a more straight forward enviroment go OSX.

Apple has an very large market share of US laptops - and gaining fast.

On Oct 23, 2008, at 1:48 PM, Matthew Shirey wrote:

Do most Flex developers work on Mac?

Brendan Meutzner <> 



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