All you have to do is extend the right classes :)

Your event class should extend UMEvent. UMEvent has a callbacks
property, and within that Callbacks object you'll specify the
functions you want called when your delegate finishes (successfully or
otherwise).  Like so:

private function submit():void
   var callbacks:Callbacks = new Callbacks(r);
   var myEvent:MyEvent = new MyEvent(MyEvent.MY_EVENT,callbacks);
private function r(o:Object):void

You should make the base class for your command
com.universalmind.cairngorm.commands.Command.  You need to call the
super method within execute to set up view notification.  When you
call super in result or fault, the respective methods you specified in
your Callbacks object will be called.

--- In, "Darrin Kay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to learn the UM extensions within Cairngorm, but there
are no
> good examples of how this is done.  Here is what I am trying to do,
I have a
> view and when a user clicks a button an event is called.   Then off
to the
> command, and if the execute passes, I go to the result function in the
> command file.  In the result function I load the data into the
model, and
> change my view.  On the new view I need to call a function after I
know I
> have the data back.  That is what I can not figure out.
> Please help.

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