We purchased the Flex 2 charting license. Now, we have upgraded to the
Flex 3 SDK. We haven't (yet) purchased Flex Builder 3 as we/I don't
use Flex Builder very much. I do command line/ant builds and editing
with my text editor du jour. 

However, since upgrading to the Flex 3 sdk, we are now getting the
"data visualization..." watermark. 

Is there something I can do with my flex 2 license.properties to get
this to work? In Flex 2, there was some command-line stuff with
charting-source.jar that I needed to do. Or, do I need to
purchase/upgrade to Flex Builder 3 (Pro)? If the latter is the case, I
think I read that I can just put the license in the flex-config.xml
file. Is this true?



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