Basically, the entire SWF must be downloaded to show up.  Flex SWFs default to 
2 frame SWFs.  The first frame should show the preloader, the second shows the 
app, and all embeds are in the second frame by default.

Also see last paragraph of this post and its example.

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nate 
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Load time, multiple redundant Embed() calls, etc.

Anytime you Embed anything, you're including it within your swf.  It may get 
compressed a little bit, but you're still embedding it.  That means your SWF 
file will contain all of the images that you used [Embed(source="foo.png")] on.

Using Embed is not like HTML where you have your images in a directory and then 
your swf calls them at runtime.

Also, use vector graphics as much as you possibly can.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 12:55 PM, Eric Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>> wrote:


I have inherited some code and it seems to build into a fairly large .swf and 
takes a very long
time to download. Running locally, things go fairly quickly - but not so 
remotely. Part of this
may be due to slow server and net connection - but I am not able to change 
those any time

So, I wonder two things:

1. Are there tools for highlighting cause of slowness of download (e.g., areas 
of bloat in

2. If the code is rife with [Embed(source="foo.png")] - where same 'foo' is 
being embedded in
multiple files - would cause bloat? And would it be better to have one managing 
that embedded all images?


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