Hello all, I do not know how many hours i have spend playing around
with scroll policies, heights, tops and bottoms...but still no solution.

The application layout is the following:

--------PANEL 1 (lets say 200 pixels height)
--------PANEL 2 (lets say 500 pixels height)

Initialy, The viewstack show Panel 1, and when i play with smaller
screen sizes, ie make firefox smaller than my monitor's full height a
vertical scroll bar appears correctly (when panel 1 bottom reaches the
bottom of the browser window)...

The problem appears when i switch to the second panel in the viewstack
(selectedIndex==1). The scrollbar appears and disappears, but it seems
that the measuredHeight is wrong! The scrollbar only appears when the
screen becomes less than the height of the first panel which is 300
pixels less height than the second panel making the application not
usable as 300 pixels of panel 2 are hidden...

Does it pop any ideas? The viewstack's resizeToContent is true...


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