
We have a problem when building the swf file with a locale different 
to en_US. We use the following ant code for building:

additional.compiler.arguments=-services ".../services-config.xml" -
locale=de_AT -source-path=./locale/{locale}

    <target name="releasecompile">
     <java jar="${mxmlc.jar}" fork="true" maxmemory="512m" 
        <arg line="${additional.compiler.arguments}"></arg>
        <arg value="+flexlib=${flex.sdk.dir}/frameworks"/>
        <arg value="+configname=air"/>
        <arg value="-context-root=''"/>
        <arg value="-file-specs=${main.application}"/>
      <!--<arg value="-load-config=${flex.config.xml}"/>-->
        <arg value="-output=${main.application.out}"/>
        <arg value="-source-path=${src.dir}"/>
        <arg value="-library-path+=libs"/>
        <arg value="-library-path+=AirReport.swc"/>
        <arg value="-library-path+=${sdk.locale.path}/de_AT"/>
        <arg value="-library-path+=${sdk.locale.path}/en_US"/>

When using the locale en_US everything works fine. If we change the 
locale within the additional.compiler.arguments to de_AT no swf is 
created. But there is also no error message!

We are using SDK 3.2.0. Locale de_AT has been created by calling:
copylocale en_US de_AT

Within Flex Builder the build works with the de_AT locale!

Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance,

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