On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 3:59 AM, Mike Oliver <moli...@corenttech.com> wrote:

> it looks to me like it is better to use a label function to render the
> display value and leave the combo box for itemEditor.
> That still leaves the question on how the ComboBox will display the Option
> Label when in edit mode.

The ComboBox won't select the item based on the value of the 'text'
property, so you'll have to do the selection for it, by overriding the
data setter.

  override public function set data(value:Object):void
      super.data = value;

      var listCursor:IViewCursor = collection.createCursor();
        if (data.med_route_oidCol == listCursor.current.text)
          selectedItem = listCursor.current;
      while (listCursor.moveNext());


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