that did it!  thanks very much.

I never stop finding out little mysterious helpful tricks with Flex. 
It is very cool, but also quite frustrating.  If you were at the beach
today I would probably never have found this out.  Or maybe you are at
the beach on your iPhone... anyway +1 for FlexCoders, yet again.

--- In, "Paul Andrews" <p...@...> wrote:
> Check out outerDocument:
> The <mx:Component> tag defines a new scope within an MXML file,
where the 
> local scope of the item renderer or item editor is defined by the
MXML code 
> block delimited by the <mx:Component> and </mx:Component> tags. To
> elements outside of the local scope of the item renderer or item
editor, you 
> prefix the element name with the outerDocument keyword.
> Paul
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "simonjpalmer" <simonjpal...@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:59 AM
> Subject: [flexcoders] Passing a function reference to an item renderer
> >I have an item renderer for a list control and I want to delegate the
> > editing of the object that the item renderer is showing to its
> > containing control - in fact to the custom control that contains the
> > list that the item renderer belongs to.
> >
> > I have set up the item renderer inline something like this
(embedded in
> > my custom control)[snipped for brevity]
> >
> > <mx:List id="lst_Opportunities" dataProvider="{_opps}">
> >         <mx:itemRenderer>
> >             <mx:Component>
> >                 <ns1:my_Renderer/>
> >             </mx:Component>
> >         </mx:itemRenderer>
> > </mx:List>
> > snip...
> > <script>
> > private function handleEdit(o:Object):void
> > {
> > }
> > </script>
> >
> > What I then did was add a public function variable, doEdit, to
> > my_Renderer and a handler for the double-click event which looked for
> > the doEdit function and called it passing the object associated
with the
> > renderer...
> >
> > (embedded in my_Renderer, which is just a canvas)
> > public var onEdit:function = null;
> > private function onDoubleClick():void
> > {
> >     if (onEdit != null) onEdit(;
> > }
> >
> > This is a pattern that I tend to use a lot in other contexts as it
> > me a great deal of flexibility in re-using code.
> >
> > The trouble is that I cannot give the item renderer the function
> > in the declaration, so this code gives a compiler error...
> >
> > <mx:List id="lst_Opportunities" dataProvider="{_opps}">
> >         <mx:itemRenderer>
> >             <mx:Component>
> >                 <ns1:my_Renderer onEdit={handleEdit}/>
> >             </mx:Component>
> >         </mx:itemRenderer>
> > </mx:List>
> >
> > The error is "access of undefined property handleEdit".
> >
> > I'm guessing that the Component tag somehow alters the scope, but I am
> > wondering how to go about this.
> >
> > FlexBuilder 2 - although I don't think it should matter.
> >
> > TIA
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > --
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> >

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