Hello all, I have started using stored procedures for my MySql queries
so to call the stored procedures I use mysqli.  The problem is that I
have a class and one of my public methods calls private methods to do
the work.  Here is what I mean.
Class Tree{
        var $mysqli;
        var $finalArry;
        var $collectArry;
        var $dUName;
        var $dPWord;
        var $dHost;
        var $dDB;
        public function Tree()
                $this->finalArry = array();
                $this->collectArry = array();
public function MasterCall(SB $obj)
                        case "BuildTreeStructure":
                                $called = $this->BuildTreeStructure($obj);
                        case "AddNewNode":
                                $called = $this->AddNewNode($obj);
                return $called;

private function AddNewNode($obj)
                /* Calling the SQL stored procedure AddNodeSP                   
                $mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'MeDatabase');
            if (mysqli_connect_errno(  )) {
                        printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error(  
                        exit (  );
            } else {
//                      printf("Connect succeeded\n");
                $sql = "CALL
                if ($mysqli->errno) {
                die("Execution failed: ".$mysqli->errno.": ".$mysqli->error);
                $getTree = $this->BuildTreeStructure($obj);
                return $getTree;
Class SB {
        var $parentCBSid;
        var $rootCBSid;
        var $newNode;
        var $call;
        var $user;
        var $pass;
        var $host;
        var $db;

so in my AddNewNode method I have a mysqli connection :
$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'MeDatabase');

I dont want to have to add this line everytime I do this because if I
have to change my password.  SO I created a password file and did an
In the AddNewNode method I do this
$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost',$user,$pass,$db);

When I run this script from a webpage (remember I am using this as a
service from Webord) It works fine.  When I run my flex app, I get an
error in charles :
<b>Warning</b>:  mysqli::mysqli() [<a
(28000/1045): Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using
password: NO) in
<b>C:\xampp\htdocs\weborb\Services\com\ArrayTree\Tree.php</b> on line
<b>100</b><br />
Connect failed: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using
password: NO)

Anyone know how I can use a password file with Weborb, mysqli, and Flex?

Thanks for the read,

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