--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "superbokbok" <superbok...@...> 
> > http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/skinstyle_3.html
> > 
> > There's no reason you can't call your style "backgroundImage."
> >
> Nice link :) I tried to implement code as per the examples in the link
> page, but the problem is I can never get an image to show as the
> background of a UIComponent! This would let me alter the image based
> on different stylesheets which are loaded at runtime. 
> The way I do it now, I add an HBox to a UIComponent and set that as
> the bkg and add the styleName to that. I must be missing something
> somewhere to enable a background image on a UIComponent. Again the
> reason for using a UIComponent is that it's lighter.

Yes, there's no advantage to wrapping an HBox in a UIComponent.  If 
you're up for some code, you could pull in HaloBorder and use that.  It 
simplifies adding container-like styles to a UIcomponent.

You could also just use a Loader and load the image into that, based on 
the style.

That example was just the tip of the iceberg of what's possible to do--
you need to use your creativity and research skills to figure out how 
to make the specific thing you're aiming for happen.

If you don't feel you're ready for that, I'd use a Canvas with 
constraint based layouts.  That's at least lighter than HBox.

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