I've read Amy's FAQ (Q3) and the Flex 3 Cookbook and have attempted to
make the situation below work, but the solution still escapes me. After
reading several other resources, I think I've read too many ways to skin
a cat and now I'm in circles.

I have an ArrayCollection (currentAC) in a main application file in AIR.

(When the user clicks on categories it updates that array with a selected

I have a custom item renderer for a list in the main application file.

When someone clicks an item in the list, it seems that scoping within the
item renderer using either:

Application.application.currentAC  = this.itemRenderersAC;

would work to update the currentAC array, and as well it seems that

parentDocument.currentAC = this.itemRenderersAC;

would work too, but I can't make that tightly coupled situation work for
some reason.


I move on to the proper, loosely coupled approach with little success as
well. No errors, but no currentAC update.

I tried to dispatchEvent from the itemRenderer and have it be handled
by...anything, and I'm just not getting the syntax or something, and
nothing needs to even be "passed" around, I just need to update an array
with the itemRenderer's Array that has a known array name.

I'm tired or dumb, or I could be both.

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