This *is* possible.

In your html-template directory, locate the index.template.html file.
 In the file, locate these lines of code (should be around Lines
90-thru-100, assuming you haven't modified this file):

====== CODE =======
  } else {  // flash is too old or we can't detect the plugin
    var alternateContent = 'Alternate HTML content should be placed
here. '
====== /CODE ======

Immediately before the line with the " } else {", add the following:

====== CODE =======
====== /CODE =======

In your main MXML file, add the following to the creationComplete

====== CODE =======
stage.focus = YOUR_MASKED_INPUT;
====== /CODE =======

That should do it.  Your users won't be forced to click in the browser
to begin typing.

--- In, "markgoldin_2000"
<markgoldin_2...@...> wrote:
> I am trying to implement that control into my application.
> When an application starts I want to have a control that is based on 
> MaskedTextInput seleted. So, in my init I am saying:
> badgeid.setFocus();
> badgeid would get its border highlighted but a mouse pointer will not 
> be inside of MaskedTextInput and to start entering data the user has to 
> click on badgeid. Is it possible to position mouse pointer into the 
> MaskedTextInput text input control without licking on it?
> Thanks

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